Crash location | 39.191111°N, 119.725834°W |
Nearest city | Carson City, NV
39.163798°N, 119.767403°W 2.9 miles away |
Tail number | N88ZQ |
Accident date | 10 Feb 2018 |
Aircraft type | Cubcrafters Inc CC11-160 |
Additional details: | None |
The pilot of the tailwheel-equipped airplane reported that, when returning to the airport after a local flight, the reported wind was from 330 at 18 knots, gusting 30 knots. He added that, during landing, the right wheel touched down first then the left wheel. As the airplane decelerated, a wind gust from the right-hand side caused the airplane to "weathervane into the wind to the right". The left main landing gear collapsed, and the left wing impacted the ground.
The airplane sustained substantial damage to the left aileron.
The pilot reported that there were no preaccident mechanical failures or malfunctions with the airplane that would have precluded normal operation.
A review of recorded data from the automated weather observation station located on the airport reported that, about 15 minutes before the accident, the wind was from 350° at 4 knots. The same automated weather observation station reported that, about 5 minutes after the accident, the wind was from 330° at 12 knots, gusting 16 knots. The airplane landed on runway 27.
The airplane's operating handbook stated that the maximum demonstrated crosswind component was 13 mph/11 knots.
The pilot’s failure to maintain directional control during the landing roll in gusting crosswind conditions.