Crash location | 47.243333°N, 121.924723°W |
Nearest city | Enumclaw, WA
47.204268°N, 121.991500°W 4.1 miles away |
Tail number | N43MM |
Accident date | 09 Jul 2006 |
Aircraft type | Rolladen-Schneider LS3A |
Additional details: | None |
As the glider pilot crossed the runway threshold for landing, he realized that he was too high, and instead of further extending the airbrakes, which at the time were between one-third and one-half deployed, he lowered the nose of the aircraft in order to descend. This action increased the airspeed by about seven knots, and resulted in the aircraft landing about half way down the 2,100 foot runway. During his attempt to stop the aircraft on the remaining runway, the pilot inadvertently let the aircraft depart the left side of the runway, and as he attempted to get the aircraft back onto the runway surface prior to reaching the emergency run-out area, the aircraft came in contact with the side-slope of the built-up run-out area terrain.
The glider pilot's failure to maintain directional control during the landing roll, resulting in the aircraft impacting the dirt embankment on the side of the emergency run-out area. Factors include the pilot's improper decision not to deploy more airbrakes when he realized that he was crossing the threshold at too high of an altitude, and his failure to attain the proper touchdown point during the landing flare.